martes, 8 de enero de 2008

Prepping the Garden

It's still rainy and cold out, but I am dreaming of my garden. I am ready to begin my starter plants inside under lights, after all it is January. :)

I keep an organic garden, at least as natural as I can manage. But since, we haven't been at this location for several years, I can't be sure of what the folks before me did to the soil. So, I brought new clean soil into the garden plots I made and begin each season with all organic plants or seeds.

Last year I grew amazing heirloom tomatoes, I bought some seedlings from a local grower, Bountiful Garden, a non-profit that supports sustainable agriculture, often provides food to local homeless, and raises funding for relief programs. I know it' just a little early to think of these hot weather fruits, but I just can't wait.

I will be planting some seeds soon and will report on my picks...

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